Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section 4 - Conclusion


2 minutes of reading

Major technological breakthroughs often occur in times of turmoil and when hitherto unknown horizons are discovered. They prompt questions, hesitation and doubt. They force us to trust our imaginations rather than our reasoning. This was the case for printing technologies. The same can be said for the emergence of electricity in the automotive world, although we should not forget that this form of energy was already in use in the early days of the automobile, only to be subsequently neglected for decades.

This latest edition of L’Observatoire Cetelem reveals that, in many respects, motorists have adopted a wait-and-see approach, which in some cases veers into suspicion and scepticism. The fog we refer to in this edition’s title is far from exaggerated, and it is also clear that it is not influencing all concerned parties in the same way, whether they be motorists or manufacturers.

The uncertainty expressed by motorists, 6 out of 10 of whom believe it is difficult to be in a position to buy a vehicle, has a varying impact on manufacturers depending on the country in which they are based. Many of them will need to clarify their industrial and commercial strategies, as well as their communication, if they are to avoid being permanently left behind by competitors who are often one step ahead when it comes to electric vehicles. Similarly, it is up to governments to adopt a clear and stable course, one unencumbered by complacency, so as to facilitate the automotive industry’s energy transition.

Lastly, and this is even more crucial given the planned dominance of electric cars in the future, the price variable must not be ignored since it remains the automotive industry’s key driver, something that Chinese brands have clearly taken on board.

We shall see over the coming years whether the fog lifts and once more allows the sun to shine on the automotive world in a durable way.

Sub-section 14
The time to buy… or not
Having an idea of the brands one might buy does not necessarily mean that this will translate into an actual purchase. The pervading uncertainty is reflected in motorists’ purchasing intent
End of study