Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section 1 - The mystery of the electric car

A choice that generates value

3 minutes of reading
In a world where the choice of a vehicle is not yet completely neutral, 85% of those who responded claim that the EV reflects a positive, modern and responsible image.



Not surprisingly, the Norwegians are the least likely to share this view, given that the widespread deployment of electric vehicles in Norway has made their use commonplace.

A surprisingly enjoyable driving experience

But this positive attitude is not to be confused with a form of automotive elitism. Only 1 in 2 deem the EV to be reserved for the more sophisticated car aficionados.



This is the majority view in Brazil (72%), Mexico (68%), Turkey (66%) and South Africa (67%), while it is a minority view in China (37%) and Norway (33%). This is because the EV is associated more with pleasure than sophistication. A key criterion at a time when hedonism is high. 86% find EVs pleasant and smooth to drive



and 84% believe that they accelerate fast, giving you a feeling of instant power.



No gear stick, no clutch pedal – these are features that make city driving a more pleasant experience. However, some people feel as if they have less control compared with a fuel-powered vehicle. The silence of its cabin is generally appreciated but sometimes unsettling, or even a source of anxiety, especially in relation to pedestrians.

Motorist quotes

« It is not at all sluggish. It’s extremely powerful. I have driven electric vehicles before, they take your breath away. »

« Thanks to the electric car, I actually enjoy traffic jams a little: It is much more relaxing: I listen to the football, sports and debates, because the noise levels are now so low… »

Confident but not reckless

There are some lingering concerns surrounding the EV. Among those who responded who do not want to buy an EV, 16% say that they are sceptical.



This percentage varies significantly: The Chinese, Brazilians and Portuguese are the most confident, unlike the Americans and Norwegians, who are warier. First, the fear of running out of power and a slight concern about unreliability compared with a fuel-powered vehicle are significant. 1 in 2 people point out the unreliability of EVs.



41% believe the EV to be dangerous, probably because they have not used one. But only 10% of those who do not intend to buy an EV mentioned danger as a reason for not buying one.



While it is true that lithium-ion batteries are vulnerable to short circuits, there are very few cases of electric vehicle incidents due to the battery catching fire. To quell any fears, car manufacturers are pinning their hopes on a new generation of safer solid-state batteries with a solid electrolyte that is more stable.

Sub-section 8
Eco-friendly maturity
Although, for now, the economic argument is not fully in favour of EVs, its positive impact on air quality could perhaps tip the balance. Nearly 90% of those who responded consider EVs to be eco-frien
Sub-section 10
A promising future, yes but…
The electric car is a source of contradiction. Motorists know about it, but they lack information. It is a clean car, provided that «carbon-free» electricity is used, but the environmental impact of