Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section 1 - I like shopping !Millennials and shops: the relationship is far from over.

Clear Expectations

2 minutes of reading
So, do Millennials see shops as flawless? Of course not. The majority of the criticism they voice relates to time constraints and ease of use. Because they are the digital generation, Millennials have always enjoyed instant gratification, which appears to make them relatively impatient in comparison to their elders and easily dissatisfied if things don’t go exactly as expected.


Indeed, they believe that the queues at the tills are too long (40%), with the Romanians being the most critical (58%) and the Norwegians being much more tolerant (28%). On this topic, the figure for French Millennials is in line with the average.



… longer

The limited opening times of stores are also put forward by 27% of European Millennials. On this point, the Belgians are the most scathing (40%), while the Brits, Italians and Portuguese are the most understanding.

… simpler

When it comes to convenience, 34% of Millennials are frustrated that products are not always available. This is a feeling most frequently expressed by the Hungarians and Spanish (44% and 41%), while the Danes, Swedes and Norwegians are the least likely to do so (24%, 26% and 27%).

The issue of access, whether it be in terms of ease of parking or the availability of public transport, is also perceived as being a significant obstacle. 28% of Millennials feel this way, with the Romanians expressing this opinion most vehemently (35%) and the Hungarians the least (21%).

Sub-section 7
A Digital Relationship With Stores
In the preamble, we mentioned one of the numerous monikers given to Millennials: Digital Natives. However, their relationship with physical stores has not been usurped by their digital proclivities an
Sub-section 9
Improvements are expected
Torn between the pleasure of shopping, which offers a number of advantages, and a certain reticence, due to several clearly identified obstacles, Millennials need several boxes to be ticked before the