Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section - Crisis awareness


1 minute de lecture
The 2022 Cetelem Barometer was all about intuition. What is taking place in 2023 is more of a realisation. A realisation that we are now fully experiencing the effects of a series of overlapping crises. Obviously, not every macroeconomic indicator has turned red.
National GDPs are not collapsing. Prices are soaring and yet purchasing power is holding up… but for how much longer?
Unemployment remains relatively low, at under 6% in 10 of the countries covered by this survey, with only Spain posting a double-digit rate (12.8%). But again, for how long? Oil prices have returned to normal levels. Having abandoned its zero-Covid policy, China is banking on the resurgence of its economy, which had been faltering dangerously, and this could benefit countries in Europe.

So, while there is a strong chance that the next Cetelem Barometer will fail to bring good news, we will see you in a year’s time to see whether fresh hope has emerged from the gloom.

Sub-section -1
Shortages: energy is at the heart of people’s fears
Along with “inflation”, “shortage” is another word that has returned to the media narrative and to our day-to-day lives, conjuring memories of tough economic times past. This reappearance can
End of study
Barometer Observatoire Cetelem 2023