Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section 0 - Introduction


2 minutes of reading
The automotive sector is in deep crisis, a crisis that has affected the entire industry, from carmakers to component manufacturers, not to mention distributors, themselves an important source of employment. Initially triggered by a pandemic that has brought factories to a halt and closed dealerships, the current crisis revolves around electronic component supply chain problems. Having previously run into difficulties due to oversupply, the automotive industry is now faced with an unprecedented crisis brought about by vehicle shortages! This has resulted in lengthy delivery times, lower spec vehicles being supplied and short-time working in plants.

It is difficult to predict when normality will resume and 2022 will see continued disruption. It is also not surprising that manufacturers have focused on producing vehicles that generate higher margins, of which SUVs are a prime example.

So, let’s talk about SUVs. They are the focus of L’Observatoire Cetelem de l’Automobile 2022.

These vehicles are somewhat divisive. However, despite lively debate around their environmental impact, SUVs have been staggeringly successful. Almost unheard of barely 15 years ago, they are now omnipresent and account for almost 40% of new passenger vehicle sales.

What explains the success of the SUV, which could almost stand for “Schizophrenic Utility Vehicle”? It is undeniable that these are popular vehicles which fulfil many requirements and bring a great deal of satisfaction. This is a segment with a bright future, if we are to judge from the purchase intentions of motorists. And this future does not appear to be threatened by the upcoming electrification of the automotive market.

To use a term that is increasingly common nowadays, the SUV may well possess the resilience required to overcome this crisis. So, could its bold trajectory one day represent a lasting example of success?


Flavien Neuvy
Head of L’Observatoire Cetelem

The bold trajectory of the SUV
Sub-section 2
A vehicle whose identity is unclear
There are only a few letters’ difference between the words acronym and anonymity, with a concept’s meaning often hidden in the former to the detriment of wider awareness. However, this is not some