Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section 3 - Conclusion


2 minutes of reading
While they may be a topic conducive to media debate, particularly with respect to the environment, motorists tend not to view SUVs the same way. 

The results of this survey confirm what the sales figures have been demonstrating for years: the success of SUVs has been nothing short of dazzling, as evidenced by their popularity among motorists who have been won over by their singular design. This is a design that makes real sense for SUVs, because it revolves more around the concept behind these vehicles than their looks. It is by no means a coincidence that they account for close to 40% of global car sales. The SUV is the ultimate family car, one that is both safe and comfortable, with many strengths that have won over motorists around the world.  

But how far will SUVs go?  It is hard to predict. Will they eventually become pretty much the only category of vehicle on the market? This is very unlikely. But what is not in doubt is the success they will continue to enjoy in the future, as demonstrated by motorists’ purchase intentions.
6 out of 10 SUV owners would be prepared to buy one again within the next 12 months. 3 out of 10 non-SUV owners are similarly minded. This figure offers proof, if any were needed, that these vehicles are gaining widespread popularity. 

At a time when city dwellers are moving to the country, when the public health situation is still uncertain and when the issue of safety, in the wider sense, is an integral part of our daily lives, SUVs hold great appeal and will continue to do so. Admittedly, in a context where the climate emergency has never been so pressing and so clear, their environmental “performance” gives pause for thought. However, their electrification appears to be an effective way of reconciling their detractors and aficionados. And crucially, manufacturers have come to the realisation that, now more than ever before, electric vehicles have the power to raise passions. This becomes starkly evident if one glances at a release schedule that highlights the focus carmakers now have on the environment and sustainability. Whether or not they own an SUV, today’s motorists are all about the watts, a shift that spells a bright future for SUVs.

Sub-section 9
Today’s success is set to continue
The record sales achieved by SUVs make it hard to deny that these vehicles have been a runaway success. The results of L’Observatoire Cetelem de l’Automobile 2022 clearly support this point. SUV
End of study
The bold trajectory of the SUV