Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section 1 - I (still) love my car

Giving up on owning a car

2 minutes of reading
But while the ideal car does appear to exist in the eyes of motorists, they no longer feel it is essential to own one, at least in certain circumstances (Fig. 11 and 12). 6 out of 10 respondents hold this view. 8 out of 10 Chinese are of this opinion. Conversely, the French are the least likely to look forward to a car-free future (43%).the countries. The majority of urbanites take this view.
Millennials are the least averse to considering living without a car, although there are differences between the countries. The majority of urbanites take this view.
This radical position is founded on a paradigm shift that is both ecological and economic, one that is set to trigger major schisms.

FIG. 11 et 12 :


Mileages are no longer falling

Having dropped steadily between 2000 and 2012, the distance travelled per car seems to have stabilized in many countries. It is even on the rise again in some (Spain, Austria, France). And while this increase in distances is due in part to lower fuel costs, it is nonetheless fresh evidence that cars remain essential, even if people are not prepared to own one at all costs.



Sub-section 4
A seriously ideal car
So yes, we love our cars. They embody values such as freedom and we are very attached to them. And yes, the ideal car does exist. Only 8% of the people interviewed believe the opposite. And yet, this
Sub-section 6
Summing up
8 out of 10 people are attached to their car 4 out of 10 believe that cars are an essential form of transport, first and foremost. 6 out of 10 want to keep their car because of the freedo