Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section 3 - New mobility solutions that are yet to prove their worth

Summing up

1 minute de lecture


1 in 2 people ride share as a passenger to save money.
1 in 2 millennials ride share or car share to earn money.
4 out of 10 do so to be helpful to others.
1 in 2 partake in car sharing as much to earn money and to do something for the environment as for practical reasons.
6 out of 10 do not wish to rent out their car for fear of it being damaged.
6 out of 10 consider that the harvesting of information from their vehicle is an invasion of their privacy.
1 in 2 people fear that this data would be misappropriated.
1 in 2 do not want advertising on their car, to avoid being noticed.


  • In emerging countries, ride sharing is chiefly a financially motivated practice.
  • Seniors tend to choose ride sharing for environmental reasons.
  • As for car sharing, seniors are driven more by environmental and practical motivations than by financial savings.
  • Motorists in mature economies are much more reluctant than those in emerging countries to make their vehicles available for car sharing.
  • Seniors are more concerned about protecting their privacy when it relates to their vehicle.
Sub-section 15
The car: still a protected space
The potential to earn money is clearly the main reason why people engage in ride sharing and car sharing. And yet, the appeal of financial rewards does have its limits, not least the idea that cars ar
Sub-section 17
Car still have a bright future
Cars raise questions, pose problems, appeal and attract, lend themselves to criticism and stimulate innovation. But one thing is certain: we have not finished talking about them. Or so motorists tell