Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section 3 - New mobility solutions that are yet to prove their worth

Ride sharing: a financial imperative

1 minute de lecture


People often use ride sharing for financial reasons, whether as a passenger or a driver (Fig. 26 and 27).
51% of the former do so to save money, while 44% of the latter do so for that reason. Environmental concerns come second (35% and 38%).
South Africa, Turkey and Brazil have the highest proportions of drivers who partake in ride sharing for economic reasons. Conversely, the Germans and especially the Japanese tend not to be preoccupied by the thought.
The French post a close-to-average score.

FIG. 26 et 27 :



The generational divide is just as significant here.
Millennials are much more likely than their elders to consider ride sharing to earn money. Even more striking is the fact that seniors are more mindful of environmental aspects. However, the social aspects of ride sharing are also cited by a large proportion of millennials, be they passengers or drivers. However, the difference between urbanites and country dwellers is not huge.
Their reasons for ride sharing are almost identical, with a priority placed on financial concerns (Fig. 28).

FIG. 28 :


Sub-section 11
Reinventing motoring through services
Purchase, use, wear out, replace… The era of the traditional vehicle life cycle appears to be over. The schisms listed above are prompting the emergence of new solutions. Some have already seen the
Sub-section 13
Rejecting ride sharing : money isn’t everything
The reasons why people avoid ride sharing are completely unrelated. Many passengers simply prefer to drive (44%), especially seniors (46%), with fewer millennials sharing this view (38%). This attit