Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section 1 - I love my car

The joy of motoring in all its forms

3 minutes of reading

The love of driving

More than eight out of ten motorists declare that they love getting behind the wheel. Only the Japanese and Americans display greater indifference. Both countries have many large conurbations and feature highly restrictive speed limits, which tempers the enthusiasm of drivers.
Overall, cars are viewed as a source of pleasure by seven out of ten motorists, and this is especially true in the UK, Poland, Turkey, Brazil, the US and South Africa.

Consumer testimonies

« I love driving my car, it brings me pleasure because I feel good when I’m sitting in it, I feel like I’m free to come and go as I please. »


Paroles de consommateurs

« Cars offer a degree of independence that is difficult to achieve through any other means, not to mention driving pleasure. »


Stars of the show

The huge crowds regularly drawn by motor shows are another indicator of the pleasure people derive from cars. As a shop window for the latest gems produced by manufacturers, they attract visitors who are looking for something new to fuel their motorised fantasies.

The Paris Motor Show, the leading event of this type, welcomed more than 1.2 million enthusiasts in 2014. Placed under the sign of (re)enchantment, the 2016 edition will showcase cinema’s most famous cars during the «L’automobile fait son cinéma» («Cars on film») exhibition.
Different country, same success. 43% of Chinese consumers visit motor shows to gather information before making a purchase (see the 2015 edition of L’Observatoire Cetelem de l’Automobile). The Shanghai show is rapidly gaining success and passed the million visitor mark in 2015. With an increase in visitor numbers of more than 14% compared to 2013, it is now on equal footing with the Frankfurt show.
Renowned for its equal focus on dream cars and vehicles you can actually buy, the Geneva show also saw its number of visits rise in 2016 (+0.7% vs. 2015).

Lastly, we should not forget Detroit, whose recent editions have achieved enough exposure to suggest that the industry is back on track in the automobile’s spiritual home.

Consumer testimonies

« The Motor Show allows me to dream! It’s a kind of race to innovate, but in a good way. Motor shows are a stunning spectacle, especially when it comes to high-end cars. »



The joy of motoring goes virtual

To maintain and even ramp up the pleasure experienced by motorists, manufacturers are now
looking beyond the real world. Today they place a great deal of focus on all that is virtual, particularly through social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. These «tools» now form an integral part of their communication strategy.

They are a fantastic way of promoting new models and establishing dialogue with customers, especially those younger than their traditional clientele, while making them feel valued by involving them in the construction of their strategy. They also make it possible to inform consumers in real time about great deals and special offers, a subtle way of boosting sales.

According to a survey conducted by Shopify in 2013, YouTube is the leading social network when it comes to stimulating car sales. Indeed, videos offer consumers an immersive experience and are very effective at forging ties between people and brands. At the end of June 2016, Germany was number one when it came to visiting the YouTube channels of the main brands sold in the country, followed by the United States and Italy.


Sub-section 7
More popular than ever
The opinion of nine out of ten motorists is positive and the figure is even higher in the emerging countries. Almost a quarter even hold a «very positive» opinion of cars. The French fall into lin
Sub-section 9
Cars: relevant today and for many years to come
One of the key findings of L’Observatoire Cetelem de l’Automobile 2017 is that motorists do not content themselves with declarations and statements of intent. While pleasure, the love of driving a