Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section 3 - Consumers as entrepreneurs

A generational divide

2 minutes of reading

One generation gives, another receives

As we have already pointed out on several occasions, particularly with regard to the sums generated by sales, the circular economy, and more specifically the advent of the consumer seller, has brought to light clear generational differences. These differences relate primarily to the behaviours individuals adopt when it comes to disposing of used or unneeded products.

Among the over-50s, the preferred approach is clear. 61% choose to donate them to a charity or give them away for free. Only 24% see them as an opportunity to make money (Fig. 16).

The under-50s tend to make a very different choice and are much less divided on this point. Only 45% of 35-49 year olds and 44% of under-35s donate unwanted items, while 36% of the former and 38% of the latter succumb to the desire to make some cash.

Fig. 16

Empty your home, fill your wallet

Another area that separates the different age groups is the sale of second-hand goods. Almost 50% of Europeans aged over 50 sell used items to make space in their homes, 10 percentage points higher than the proportion of younger people who do the same (Fig. 17). The latter are more likely to engage in the practice in order to earn extra income. It should be noted that, across the generations, environmental concerns are by no means a priority.

Fig. 17

Sub-section 9
The advent of the consumer seller
Up until recently, economies, and more specifically the commercial transactions that take place between stakeholders, defined the roles assigned to the various parties with some degree of clarity. O
Sub-section 11
B2C and C2C are (almost) neck and neck
The circular economy is being fuelled by the emergence of new stakeholders, not least the pure plays that operate in the second-hand or refurbished markets. Faced with what might appear to be a redist