A desire for stronger economic results
How can we restore this confidence, which is so hard to generate and so easy to destroy? Is it even possible? The responses put forward by Europeans suggest that it may be possible to find new ways of restoring consumer confidence.
To reverse this spiral of dwindling confidence, Europeans clearly identify a number of levers. The economy is by far the most important factor, but brands could also have their say.
A rise in salaries, a drop in unemployment, economic growth and the reduction of inequality are the four elements that drive confidence (40%, 32%, 29% and 29% respectively). These figures show that Europeans are looking for quick results to prompt a change in direction and an improvement in their country’s situation. Issues such as education and the environment, which are matters for the long term, sit at the bottom of the pile (23% and 15%). Similarly, the reduction of general insecurity, the elimination of the terrorist threat and control over immigration, topics that one might have considered sensitive given recent events, are not viewed as absolute priorities (20%, 23% and 24%). In the eyes of Europeans, confidence needs to be rebuilt in the immediate future, while also being totally quantifiable.