Observe, enlighten and decipher the evolution
of consumption patterns in France and abroad
Section 1 - Consumption in Europe: New paths to confidence

Confidence at close quarters

1 minute de lecture
Moving slightly beyond this inner core, we find friends in whom we have a great deal of confidence (88%).

A little further away we have our colleagues, in which 67% of Europeans place their confidence. The score is similar when it comes to close neighbours (62%).

On the outskirts of this intimate community, the individuals we meet for the first time and those encountered online inspire only a moderate degree of confidence (29% and 18% respectively). It is worth underlining that the French, while not the most open of Europeans, display a higher than average degree of confidence.

These results indicate that confidence is built in a succession of steps that are indissociable. Knowledge allows the construction of a solid base upon which a fulfilling relationship can be built from real-life experience.

Sub-section 7
Confidence in oneself… and those closest to us
When Europeans are asked in whom they have confidence, 87% state unequivocally that they have confidence in themselves. At the risk of reinforcing the stereotype of Teutonic arrogance, the Austrian
Sub-section 9
The French display great pessimism: tomorrow will be worse than today
France is one of the countries in which opinions are almost invariably more negative than the European average. Only the consequences of Brexit and, to a lesser extent, the country’s healthca